One Minute Briefs
One Minute Briefs is an advertising community and a competition online. It's all about the idea. This is how it works:
"Brief posted as pinned tweet on @OneMinuteBriefs Twitter by 10:00 GMT
Submit as many ideas as you like. They can be scribbles, notes or can be mocked up. But it’s all about the idea.
Brief closes at 5pm unless otherwise stated.
All entries are posted to
Like your favourite entries.
Shortlists and winners posted to Facebook and Twitter."
Here are some of my wins and shortlists 👇
One Minute Brief of Day: Create posters to advertise tapas.

Brief Winner
One Minute Brief of Day: Create posters to promote the forthcoming album from Declan McKenna - What Happened To The Beach?

One Minute Brief of Day: Create posters to advertise pasta dishes for NationalPastaDay.

Brief Winner
One Minute Brief of Day: Create fun, striking, non-corporate posters to promote the @UPACGroup as Scotland’s premium packaging supplier with the hashtag #PackagingDoneDifferently

3rd prize (100£ cash prize)
One Minute Brief of Day: Create posters to advertise cook books.

Brief Winner